The context:

The development of modern supply chains requires employees to have a number of competences. Often, these competences go beyond the technical and professional competences (from the logistics point of view).

The reference point for the competences that logistics employees should have is the matrix developed by the European Logistics Association. ELAQF Qualification Standards for logistics competence are aligned to the European Qualification Framework and can be implemented in master studies.



The main goal of the project is to develop an innovative, certified logistics training program and complete teaching materials  for the implementation of the program. The training module will include 5 courses cover in total 30 ECTS credits points.

The specific objectives of the project are:

- certyfiing the developed program of developing skills in the field of logistics in compliance with the level 6 (European Senior Logistician) standards developed by the European Logistics Association  and in accordance with the guidelines contained in "EUROPEAN QUALIFICATION STANDARDS FOR LOGISTICS PROFESSIONALS",

- internationalization of logistics courses for the education of certified logistics specialists at the master degree by developing all products in 6 language versions (English, Hungarian, Czech, Croatian, Slovenian and Polish),

- enlarge the number of certified logisticians who graduated the master in Central Europe and the Balkan Peninsula.


Project consortium

The project is coordinated by the Poznan School of Logistics and the partners are universities from Central Europe and the Balkans:

- Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicke v Praze (Czech Republic),

- Sveuciliste Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku Ekonomski Fakultet u Osijeku (Croatia),

- Obudai Egyetem - Keleti Faculty of Business and Management (Hungary),

- Univerza v Mariboru (Slovenia).


Project deliverables:

 The project will produce the following results:

- the curriculum of the training module program compliant with the ELAQF requirements for the Senior Logistcian level - the program will be accredited by ELA;

- a simulation game supporting the development of managerial competences;

- handbooks (e-books) on:

- Business Principles,

- Supply Chain and Logistics Design,

- Supply Chain and Logistics Planning,

- Supply Chain and Logistics Execution).

- teaching materials in the blended learning formula (combination of contact classes with distance learning) for all subjects distinguished in the program of the education module.